4 Months!


Four months ago today the world became a better place when my baby girl was born! She was given a 50/50 chance of survival but she squished those odds! She has survived two surgeries, her first 6 weeks in the hospital, twice daily injections, numerous x-rays, ultrasounds and blood pressure cuffs, a move across the state, a big brother and everything else life has handed her.
Fiona weighs over 15 lbs, is a bit over two feet long, has a feeding tube (which is replaced about every other week due to little curious fingers), a patch inside her body and an appendix on the wrong side.
However, all medical factors aside, my baby girl is just as wonderful as can be. She loves to watch her busy big brother, she talks and talks and talks, just found out she can suck her thumb, laughs, rolls to her side, has the cutest, chunkiest thighs, gives a big smile to the baby in the mirror, loves to be held and puts a smile on anyone’s face who meets her.
I am beyond proud of her and am so thankful for my family everyday. Growing up in a broken home has made me appreciate my husband and kids even more. We call ourselves Team Timoney and we will win as a family every time. Both of my child mean the world to me and I will always do whatever I need to in order to keep them safe, happy, healthy and secure. The best title I have ever had is to be called “mom.” Fiona has completed our family, and there is no telling of all the wonderful things to come our way.


Watching big bro be c-r-a-z-y!


Eating her mermaid


Getting ready for some apples


Sleeping on the floor after a wild day

4 responses »

  1. I can’t believe fiona is 4 months old already. It seems like she is growing my leaps and bounds, and I am sad that I didn’t get to meet her. I really hope that big brother is doing great, know that you are all missed.
    Miss Megan

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